Goat rearing will be promoted in the Arwal district of Bihar. For this, there is a plan to distribute goats among poor families at subsidized rates under the Integrated Goat and Sheep Development Scheme. Three breeding goats of the improved breed Black Bengal are to be distributed at subsidized rates among the selected beneficiaries through the District Animal Husbandry Officer.
This will increase the self-sufficiency of the district in the production of high-breed goats and sheep. The main objective of the scheme is to replace low-productivity local breed goats with high-productivity breeds. Goat rearing will create employment on a large scale.
The income of goat herders will increase. 80% grant to BPL and 90% grant to SC The Black Bengal breed goats are to be distributed among the poor families willing to purchase them at 80 per cent subsidized rate and among the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe families at 90 per cent subsidized rate.
The average estimated price of per goat unit will be Rs.15 thousand, for general category a subsidy of 80 percent i.e. Rs.12 thousand per unit and for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes a subsidy of 10 percent i.e. Rs.13,500 per unit will be given. Selection will be done at district level Beneficiaries for the scheme will be selected at the district level.
The beneficiary himself will make arrangements for the maintenance and food of the goats. In the light of the recommended list of beneficiaries, the concerned District Animal Husbandry Officer will select 10 percent more beneficiaries than the district-wise target. The last date for submitting applications for final selection of beneficiaries is March 8. The priority list of beneficiaries will be prepared on the basis of first come first serve. After selection, an acceptance letter will be issued to the beneficiary.
A written affidavit will be taken from the selected beneficiary to the effect that he will keep the goats received by him for the next five years and work for his economic prosperity.